CE Dog Training Podcast

Puppy Essentials

February 02, 2023 Season 1 Episode 5
CE Dog Training Podcast
Puppy Essentials
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Show Notes

In this episode, we're going to the basics. Starting from the puppies! 

From what you'll need to prepare to avoid "disasters". Do you need to research what breed of dogs you should get? Characters do matter? 

Compared to our own children, aren't puppies just like humans in some ways? What and WHEN to reward your pups? Josh gave several examples to use in real life (which you might be experiencing right at this moment!), the dos and don'ts. 

When should you start the training? 3 months? 4?? 5??? 

Touch is essential for relationship-building with your pups. Obedience commands, and games you can play with your pups. It's all about positive reinforcement! 

What exactly should we do with our newborn pups? Here out Episode 5-Puppy Essentials for all you need to prep with puppy training! 

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Thank you all for listening & stay tuned for more!