CE Dog Training Podcast
Everything dog related. Join entrepreneur Josh Taylor at Canine Education, as he talks about his local dog training businesses, listen as he gives advice not only to people with their dogs but dog trainers and their business. Tons of stories and his personal secrets! Hear out tips on how to run a successful dog business, and how to train your pet to fit your standards and lifestyle.
30 episodes
Managing Brio's Canine Challenges
A case from our listener - Joanna and her family! Talking about Brio the 3-year-old little dog buddy who is quite protective of his family, and has reactive behaviors, especially towards noises. Josh studies Brio's cas...
Season 1
Episode 24
Dogs Uncomfortable with CARS
Is your dog uncomfortable in the car? From general being scared to be in (or even around) the car, or in some extreme cases being car-sick? In cases when we HAVE to put our dogs in the car, only when necessary can cause negative ou...
Season 1
Episode 23
Attention Seeking Dog Barking
In this episode, Josh talked about how some barking is related to “attention seeking”. Your dog might be trying to manipulate you by barking and wanting that petting or reward?! Yes, they are smart little ones seeking your attentio...
Season 1
Episode 22
Being Positive
Simple as it might sound, it might be difficult to focus when it comes to being positive in dog training. There are up and downs in everything in life. Consistency is key in dog training. Whether it's reactivity, resour...
Season 1
Episode 21
Small Dog Syndrome
We love these little ones on our laps, don't we!? Smaller dogs are getting lots of attention by having that advantage (smaller of course) to sit on our laps, receiving probably more attention while we're home, sitting down, laying ...
Season 1
Episode 20
Story Time - Expectations in Science-Based Positive Reinforcement
Ask Josh anything Dog Training related! What's going on at home with your dogs? Email us the specifics so we can feature your questions on the podcast! A Story-time episode with Josh, on the path of finding his way in dog training ...
Season 1
Episode 19
Summer Safety For Your Dogs
Summer is very close! When it comes to our dog's safety, we must make sure things fall into place right? Josh talked about some great tips on what to look out, and what things we can help our dogs to enjoy a nice, fun summer! ...
Season 1
Episode 18
Importance in Talking to Dogs + Story Time
Another episode that gives us examples of what to do and how to do it! We know it's important to let our dogs know when a positive behavior happened, did you know that talking to them can really make things flow even better? <...
Season 1
Episode 17
Aggression Towards Humans
Aggression towards humans is a very common topic we face in our daily life with dogs! In this episode, Josh talks about what works when we face reactivity toward people. What is Progressive De-Sentitization? Is it fear based? What are ...
Season 1
Episode 16
Puppy Socialization - What Age is Safe?
When it comes to socializing your dogs. There are many ways, places, and scenarios. But at what age is it safe? Most first-time dog owners, especially when the pups are little, it can be scary to go out there and find a safe social...
Season 1
Episode 15
Old Dog New Tricks - Managing Success How Tos
Examples and methods!
Subscriber Episode
Season 1
Episode 14
Can "Old" Dogs Learn New Tricks? - Managing Success
What are owners with elderly dogs facing? Have you been struggling to train your dogs for years without success? What methods are we using while looking at behaviors? What factors lead to certain behaviors?
Season 1
Episode 14
Dog Parks and Alternatives
As the weather gets warmer, Dog Park is a major topic we talk about. Do we bring our dogs to the dog parks? What are the alternatives? Can it be dangerous? A few alternatives are: Hikes / Trails <...
Season 1
Episode 13
Story Time - Pet Therapy
A storytime episode specifically on how Josh got into Pet Therapy. Coming from the focus on Trust and Relationship building. What to look at when seeking for a pet therapy dog? A bit about the Literacy Program...
Season 1
Episode 12
Dogs and Children - 3 Real Life Examples
In this Premium Content episode, Josh is giving 3 real-life examples from his experience and in those cases, what actions were made with the dogs' families (and himself!). Thank you so much for listening!!
Subscriber Episode
Season 1
Episode 11
Dogs and Children - Part 1
A very practical episode for dog owners experiencing some type of difficulties with your new puppy and your kid(s)! Josh talked about how important it is to understand and measure the emotional well-being of your dog. And during ...
Season 1
Episode 11
Story Time
In this episode, Josh is being very straightforward in giving examples of behavior modification, measuring "success" in training your dogs, as well as some emotional moments for him. Understand that you are not alone in the difficu...
Season 1
Episode 10
"Treats" Good or Bad? - Manners Edition Series
Treats do NOT always mean cookies! Treats can be a ball, a toy, games of tug and war or fetch; actual food/snacks. Even going for a walk can be a treat. The reward is what your dog defines as a "treat". By knowing your...
Season 1
Episode 9
Jumping in Dogs - Manners Edition Series
One of the basics when it comes to dog training. However, it is still the most asked topic and can be quite challenging! Jumping! Josh talks about the strategies when it comes to jumping. Using examples and hands-on techniques when you ...
Season 1
Episode 8