CE Dog Training Podcast
Everything dog related. Join entrepreneur Josh Taylor at Canine Education, as he talks about his local dog training businesses, listen as he gives advice not only to people with their dogs but dog trainers and their business. Tons of stories and his personal secrets! Hear out tips on how to run a successful dog business, and how to train your pet to fit your standards and lifestyle.
CE Dog Training Podcast
Dog Parks and Alternatives
As the weather gets warmer, Dog Park is a major topic we talk about.
Do we bring our dogs to the dog parks? What are the alternatives? Can it be dangerous?
A few alternatives are:
- Hikes / Trails
- Playdates with neighbors/friends
- Agility course: set up a simple route in your own yard!
- Jogging with your dogs
- Doggy daycare
If you don't have an open space at home, a doggy daycare can be super helpful.
What do we look at when looking for a nice little doggy daycare?
- Dog vs. Human ratio
- Is it a friendly social space?
- Do they have active rest / mental stimulation?
- Do they have a training regiment?
Always remember to follow the public rules, and watch for your dog's body language.
Find a way to help distract your dog from separation anxiety, desensitize, and boost your dog's confidence. In general, dog socialization!
Contact CE Podcast
- Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/MontrealCanineEducation
- Check out our website: https://canineeducation.ca/
- Email us at cepodcast@canineeducation.ca
Thank you all for listening & stay tuned for more!